Forever A Mystery...

An eternal thirst...

There is never an end to the questions we can ask. As it was said: SEEK and ye shall find...

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Old Houses...

As I drive around the country I see them standing, alone and empty...Ghostly looking old houses. Inside, I can't help but feel sad, for once this isolated, lonely, old dwelling was home to some living family; Mom, Dad, all the kids... Who were they and where have they all gone?
Once upon a time, children played in the yard and laughter rang out from their play. How did their lives turn out; Happiness and bliss, travesty or tragedy? Too many questions, but how can one not wonder?
The windows and doors gone now, leaving this lonely, empty, place, seemingly, without life. But then again, I thought I saw something move...Outwardly, it would seem that all are gone, but is that not laughter I still hear? Maybe they came back...or they never left?
It's good they have each other, for now, there are no visitors, just passersby on the road to somewhere else...

Monday, August 9, 2010


I, daresay, our Creator issued most of us an imagination. I'm sure there was a reason for it. Maybe it was, in case, there was nothing on TV? Sometimes, I think that primitive man(using ONLY his imagination) came up with more and better ideas(usually for his own survival)than modern man. It seems now that out machines are thinking for us, and no doubt, VERY SOON, we will be obsolete. Hummm! Guess what happens to obsolete things...
The big question RIGHT NOW is: Can we think as clearly and as well as the Cave man...without the help of our machines?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can You Explain...

As we each look back on our lives, how often do you remember situations(after the fact) when something happened and afterwards we realized...MY GOD... I should have been killed, BUT, for some reason...was NOT?
Some people would rather pass it off as good luck or some other LOGICAL explanation, but NEVER admit that there was a reason your life was spared, or, for that matter WHO or what(God, or whoever is running the show)saved you?
I remember MANY times, and like to think that there is a reason I am STILL suppose to be here. Who knows? Maybe, I am still here to save someone else...for whatever reason?
In any case, we should never take life for granted and be extremely thankful that we still have a chance to do something right, before, we have to go. My Dad always told me to do what I felt was right and when I lay down and close my eyes for the last time, it will be a lot easier...
We can all change and make things easier...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Someone in the road...

I remember I was about 9 years old and we lived in Nebraska, but were on our way back to Illinois for a visit. There were not many interstate highways, then, and we were eastbound on old highway 30, somewhere in Eastern Nebraska. My brother and two sisters were sleeping in the back of Dad's 1938 Chevy, and it was raining so hard it was hard to see anything, most of all, the road ahead. But we knew Dad could do it if anyone could.
I, suddenly, came full awake, realizing Dad had stopped and I remember Mom asking him why he stopped? Somebody is standing in the middle of the road, he told her. He told her to lock the door as he got out to take a look. He went to investigate.
Shortly, he came back and Mom asked him who it was? He just shook his head and told her, there was NOBODY there! What was it, then? she questioned Dad. His answer sent chills up and down my spine when he told her. I don't know, but I saw someone and it's a good thing I went to look, because, the BRIDGE IS GONE...
The rain had washed the bridge out, and whoever, or whatever was in the road saved our lives that night.
My Dad was never what some people might call a religious man, but till he died many years later, he always believed somebody was 'looking out for us that night'.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting away...

How often have you felt like you needed a vacation, but, either can't get away, or can't afford the trip. Got a better Idea...
It's only a temporary solution, but pick up a REALLY good book. It has to be one so very interesting that it will captivate, and hold your the point that you FORGET where you are.
In choosing your getaway...which is to can be anything you want or go as far away as your imagination can take you. I find that sometimes, I don't want to come back...
Get away, and explore new places, meet people you never, before, imagined

I was once asked...

I was once asked why I bothered reading all the time. To learn something new...Maybe?
I was then asked, for what reason I needed to know all this new stuff?? What did this have to do with my everyday life, and to what benefit was knowledge if it wouldn't pay the bills...
Sorry, but I had to cut the fellow off by telling him...MAYBE, because I DON'T want to REMAIN ignorant as he was...and ask such DUMB questions!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Where does Time go...

Where DOES time go...OR...does it go at all?
There is a belief that time is both directions. It is just TIME! It never goes anywhere. WE are what's moving. What if we could STOP and turn around? Go backwards into time we had already passed through...Hummm!
Interesting thought. Still working on that one...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Good Mystery

All of life is a mystery. We know how we got here, but still can't explain the why of it.
Most are content to keep busy with something other than asking such questions. I would guess because they wouldn't understand the answers, or are afraid to know the truth.
In any case, next time you feel bored, with nothing to do, stand still for a minute and look around you. Ask yourself...WHY does a Butterfly fly? Simple question for now, but then you still have the whole world to wonder about.
There are NO end to the questions we can come up with. Sure makes one think, though...