Forever A Mystery...

An eternal thirst...

There is never an end to the questions we can ask. As it was said: SEEK and ye shall find...

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Someone in the road...

I remember I was about 9 years old and we lived in Nebraska, but were on our way back to Illinois for a visit. There were not many interstate highways, then, and we were eastbound on old highway 30, somewhere in Eastern Nebraska. My brother and two sisters were sleeping in the back of Dad's 1938 Chevy, and it was raining so hard it was hard to see anything, most of all, the road ahead. But we knew Dad could do it if anyone could.
I, suddenly, came full awake, realizing Dad had stopped and I remember Mom asking him why he stopped? Somebody is standing in the middle of the road, he told her. He told her to lock the door as he got out to take a look. He went to investigate.
Shortly, he came back and Mom asked him who it was? He just shook his head and told her, there was NOBODY there! What was it, then? she questioned Dad. His answer sent chills up and down my spine when he told her. I don't know, but I saw someone and it's a good thing I went to look, because, the BRIDGE IS GONE...
The rain had washed the bridge out, and whoever, or whatever was in the road saved our lives that night.
My Dad was never what some people might call a religious man, but till he died many years later, he always believed somebody was 'looking out for us that night'.


  1. Hi ,James, I'm glad you found my website because I popped in on weird is that? It had to be his guardian angel! I believe we all have one. I know I do. and its a man. I don't know who he is but he is there. I believe in the paranormal, there are spirits all around us. (I know you probably think, "what a nut job!", but thats ok. I love your blog, now that I visited.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Just the fact that we are alive and blessed by our Creator...All we have to do is BELIEVE, be thankful and accept the blessings.

  3. I remember that night well , as we were on our way home from a family reunion in Illinois. It was the day after Easter. Jim is 3 yrs older than I am, but the memory is vivid in my mind. Our dad said it was like the hand of God came down and stopped the car. The road was completely gone, and we would have been to if it had not been for the miracle.

  4. I just love the way you think and write. Youare a very interesting person. The world is beter becaue of you. DJ
