Forever A Mystery...

An eternal thirst...

There is never an end to the questions we can ask. As it was said: SEEK and ye shall find...

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Thursday, July 18, 2013


In today's society, if a man is mentally disturbed, or in anyway a hinderance to anyone, he(or she) may be locked away forever. It's true, we call ourselves civilized but that can be interpreted as a matter of opinion(my opinion, anyway). Different cultures around the world may consider an individual's  state of mind differently...

Long ago, many of the American Indian tribes had a different way of looking at life; Their own life and that of others around them...

Although, these people were considered less than human by some of their lighter skinned neighbors,  the(so-called) RED man had the idea that each two legged (meaning mankind) had his own individual path  to walk. Each has a special way we must go, through this life and into the beyond. Sometimes, one might lose his or her way and leave the path, then bad things happen...What some might call insanity these days...

Often, the lost one wanders from the good path and become confused, not in their right mind; Often a very troublesome person to be around.  As I said before, in today's society this type of person is locked away in a hopeless situation and often forgotten. Lost from the path,  never to find their way back.
Many of the tribes believed that, UNLESS the lost one is a threat to, or attacks another, they were to be tolerated and left alone. If for some reason someone were to take  the man's life, they would be lost forever, with no chance for redemption. That act in itself was bad medicine...

The idea was that each should do the right thing and help the lost person if they could, but NEVER impede their chance to find their way back. None knew for sure, but MAYBE, the great spirit had touched this person to see how others would react. If THEY were worthy of redemption...No! They would be left alone and tolerated.

It is my personal opinion(again) but isn't that along the lines of how ALL religions SHOULD work...

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Belief and faith in anything is almost impossible to explain; It's more of something you FEEL...and often more than one can explain. It is just that most of us NEED to believe in something greater than ourselves. Whether it be a lack of confidence in our own abilities, or just the fact that we KNOW we are not, totally, in control.

When we were younger, our Mom and Dad was always there to reassure us; tell us that all would be ok. We believed in Mom and Dad and that was good enough at the time. Suddenly, years later, we find WE are Mom and Dad. Now, WHY do we NOT feel the same secure feeling that our Mom and Dad provided to us. Was it all a little white lie to make us feel better. Now, we have to provide for our kids and what do we tell them?
There is evidence to say that since the beginning of time(or mankind, if you will) humans have always sought to explain our reason for existence. We BELIEVE we have become more educated, more knowledgeable, or EGOTISTICALLY speaking...superior to our predecessors. We, really, can only guess, as to how smart our ancestors were or what their lives were like. We so-called SMARTER humans are still trying to figure out and judge our animal counterparts. Many seem to think that animals don't have a thought process, as do we human beings. I couldn't really say, as I am not the animal in question. I am only THIS animal in question.

Around the world , beliefs and  cultures vary drastically, as to WHAT or WHO we should look up to or believe in. Wars are fought and hatred abounds as to who is right and whose Creator is bigger or more powerful. If, for one moment,  everyone would stop their quarreling and fighting and THINK about it...

I don't have the answers, anymore than the next can prove who or what is right, but IF(and I'm sure...something) created all of this existence(including us), I DOUBT that it was for the purpose of granting some unloving, misguided individuals the right to judge and kill at their pleasure. WHO..or WHAT would want to create anything,only to have it destroyed?

I don't understand ALL beliefs but somehow I think WHOEVER is in charge would prefer we work it out peacefully and love one another. As for the OTHER animals that we CLAIM to be superior to...I remember what my Granddad  told me years ago: IF it is necessary to kill an animal, show it respect and DON'T make it suffer...We are ALL living beings and life is precious.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Out Of The Corner Of Your Eye...

Have you ever had the feeling you are not alone in the room? Like someone or something is right there, but you can't see them...THEN, suddenly...out of the corner of your eye, you are sure you saw something move?
At first, you attribute it to your imagination; that is the rational thing to do. But STILL... you can't shake the feeling that you saw something...Like it or  not, you may well have witnessed a brief crossover from our fourth dimension. We KNOW it's there. We just can't see it, but sometimes conditions are just right and whoever, or  whatever is in there, steps over the line and we come face to face(briefly) with things or persons we have never met least in our present memories.

We live with and constantly intermingle with an untold number of things that we neither understand, or can explain. Just because we can't explain them is by no means evidence that they don't exist. We ARE NOT alone, and we can't hide so we need to accept the idea and when they show up...Just have a friendly chat with them...They are  our neighbors...