Forever A Mystery...

An eternal thirst...

There is never an end to the questions we can ask. As it was said: SEEK and ye shall find...

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Music and Our DNA...

Have you ever realized that music has the ability to send us off in directions that we may never have traveled before? At times, when we hear a song from our teen or later years we may instantly return  to a time in our lives that we were happy(sometimes not), but at times it may send you somewhere that only your imagination may have gone. Some place that you THINK that you have never been, but for  some reason it popped into your mind. It comes at you like a memory that belongs to someone other than yourself? How can this be?
I have read that some things are passed on to us through our DNA, a gift from our ancestors, something they experienced and it left a lasting impression and a major change in the DNA that we inherit. Most people seem to have very little idea of their family histories, more than one or two generations back. Most have no real idea of their true bloodlines. In short, most of us don't know who we really are or where we came from, and often don't want to know...
How can it be that the sound of Gypsy, or other exotic music stirs something in us that is almost frightening and totally not us?On the other hand, many believe in the idea of Reincarnation, that we have lived before as someone else, in a different place, time and culture. We may never know but I, personally, still have to wonder...WHO am I...Really?

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