Forever A Mystery...

An eternal thirst...

There is never an end to the questions we can ask. As it was said: SEEK and ye shall find...

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Saturday, August 3, 2013


Everyone has their opinions on what exists and what they can't believe... might...
Back in the early 1970s, some of the highways across the western US, were not so sophisticated as they are now, and particularly, in West Texas. There were still a lot of narrow two lane highways, and a long distance between towns, or anything big enough to be called a town. On a dark night between Ft. Stockton and Sonora , a driver might be lucky to see another vehicle for a long time. It was dark and it was lonely. Almost, as if, one was out there, all alone.
Back in those days, I always carried food and water in the truck, in the event that I might have a breakdown and be stranded. Today, we have lots and lots of truck stops, but back then, we had to be prepared to 'Camp Out', if necessary. Nobody ever plans a camping trip like that , BUT...just in case...

On the particular night I remember, I was making my way across 'no man's land', and hadn't seen another vehicle or any sign of life for 2-3 hours. The truck was running fine and everything seemed alright. It was a hot summer night and with NO air conditioning, I was running with all windows open. I have no idea why I had my CB radio on, since there was no body to talk to, or anything to hear, but there was the low, scratchy static coming out ; the only sound, other than my engine, that I heard. The radio I had was only good for a short range; Nothing fancy, or over powered. It had to be close or I would never receive a signal...

The monotony of the night and the road ahead was about to put me to sleep. It was such a flat, uneventful stretch of road that, even IF I had fell asleep and driven off the road, there wasn't much to hit. It was beginning to be a struggle to stay awake. I considered pulling off and taking a short nap, but hadn't been able to find a spot wide enough for a big truck...

Suddenly, I begin to hear a faint sound. At first, a slight beeping sound, and I thought of something like a tracking collar one might put on an animal. I knew that sometimes, they collared certain animals to track their movements. As I drove, the sound seems to be getting ever louder; as if whatever it was, was getting closer, rather than farther away. I reasoned that if it was a animal, he should be getting farther away, besides, I was running about 65 miles per hour. What sort of animal would be moving that fast, and my direction.
What the heck was it?

I kept heading east and the sound got constantly louder,  till I finally reached up and and turned the radio off.
I didn't want to think about what had popped into my mind, but I had read some time ago that THIS area was well noted for...UH... reported UFO sightings?
 Call me crazy, or please explain to me WHAT is was. And don't tell me it was a Jack rabbit running along beside my truck. It was still another 90 miles to Sonora, AND I made it, but have always wondered what it was out there with me that night. Some might say a satellite, but back then, the heavens were not cluttered with such technology, as it is today...Anyone have a better explanation??

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