Forever A Mystery...

An eternal thirst...

There is never an end to the questions we can ask. As it was said: SEEK and ye shall find...

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Out Of The Corner Of Your Eye...

Have you ever had the feeling you are not alone in the room? Like someone or something is right there, but you can't see them...THEN, suddenly...out of the corner of your eye, you are sure you saw something move?
At first, you attribute it to your imagination; that is the rational thing to do. But STILL... you can't shake the feeling that you saw something...Like it or  not, you may well have witnessed a brief crossover from our fourth dimension. We KNOW it's there. We just can't see it, but sometimes conditions are just right and whoever, or  whatever is in there, steps over the line and we come face to face(briefly) with things or persons we have never met least in our present memories.

We live with and constantly intermingle with an untold number of things that we neither understand, or can explain. Just because we can't explain them is by no means evidence that they don't exist. We ARE NOT alone, and we can't hide so we need to accept the idea and when they show up...Just have a friendly chat with them...They are  our neighbors...

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